As many people think of dentures as worn by the elderly, you may wonder if you have to be a certain age to wear them. Langley dentists explain how we would figure out if this treatment is right for you, and how we would figure it out.
A lot of people don't have all of their natural teeth because of a lot of different reasons. The ages of these people are different. If you are missing one or more teeth, complete or partial dentures may be the best choice for you. This is because there are a lot of things to think about. When it comes to getting dentures, there are no age limits on whether or not you'd be good at them.
Today, we'll go over some of the reasons why many patients choose dentures at a young age, as well as what you can expect.
Why would I need dentures at an early age?
The number of people who use dentures to replace missing teeth has grown over the last few decades for a wide range of reasons. Some people have bad oral health because they ate too many sugary treats as kids or ate a poor diet now. Others have lost teeth because of medical problems.
Your dentist will conduct an assessment of your unique situation. Certain patients prefer dentures over dental implants, which may be more expensive.
Are there any risks associated with dentures that I should be aware of?
Dentures aren't any more dangerous for people in their 30s, 40s, or younger than they are for older people. Your dentist may give you antibiotics if you have tooth decay or gum disease. They can fight off bacteria in your teeth and gums that could get into your bloodstream.
Is there anything else I should know about receiving dentures at such a young age?
Getting dentures, no matter how old you are, is a big dental procedure because it's likely that some of your teeth will have to be taken out. Eventually, the bones that hold your face together will break down, giving you a "caved-in" look.
There is a time when you are still young and haven't lost any teeth. Dentures can help you keep healthy skin and avoid the sallow look that comes from not having teeth behind the skin of your cheeks. Also, if the skin on your cheeks is smooth and well-supported, you will look younger for a longer time.
You're likely to get used to your upper dentures more quickly than your lower dentures. As long as you keep in mind that dentures can help you get better oral health no matter what your age. Dentures can also help you speak more clearly, keep a beautiful smile, and keep your face in shape. In addition, you may find it easier to eat.